Frequently Asked Questions about Klong Jilad Pier

Q: Can book here from Klong Jilad Pier

A: Booking Klong Jilad Pier Click Here

Q: Are there taxis at the pier

A: Yes Plenty of taxis always waiting at the pier, or the staff at the pier can call them if none available.

Q: How can I contact you?

A: You can either send us an email to info@klongjiladferrypier.com or Whatsapp mobile +66828100087, we are open 7 days a week.

Q: How Early need to turn up at Klong Jilad Pier with ticket to catch Speed boat and Ferry

A: Only need to be at Klong Jilad Pier 30 Minutes before departure time.

Q: Speed Boat Transfers & being Pregnant.

A: We do not accept Pregnant Guests on the Speedboat Transfers due to safety reasons, need to use ferry options.

Q: What Happens if The Speed Boat Transfer is Cancelled Due to Weather Conditions?

A: If cancelled by Operator due to safety reasons, you will be transferred to Ferry with First Class seats.

Q: How will I be picked up?

A: An Air conditioned minibus will come to your hotel and the driver will look for you in the reception area of your Hotel / Resort.

Q: What if the Transport does not arrive?

A: Call Whatsapp number, if the pick up bus does not arrive at your hotel within 5 minutes after the designated time show on the Tour voucher.

Q: Do you provide Krabi Airport pick up service?

A: We do not provide Krabi airport pick up service.

Q: Using the Paypal Payment System

A: NO ADDITIONAL Charge for Payment via Visa or MasterCard

Q: Can take Luggage on Speed Boat

A: Yes can one small and one big Suitcase per person.

Q: Ferry and speed boat operating on Christmas Day and New Year Day

A: Yes both Operate every day of the year, except when Marine Coast Guard say unsafe to travel due to weather.

Q: When does Klong Jilad Open

A: 07.30 - 18.00 Daily

Q: Klong Jilad Parking

A: There is plenty of parking available for cars and motorbikes. Only 100 THB per day for parking. Collect ticket on entry and pay on exit.

Q: Is there Overnight secure parking at Klong Jilad Pier

A: There is parking available for cars and motorbikes but not secure overnight parking available.

Q: Can Motorbike go on the boats

No option to put motorbike on boats can park at the pier.

Q: Are Pets Allowed on Boats

A: Yes small dogs and cats but need to be in a Plastic Pet Box and they cost 200 Baht.

Q: Is there a lost property office at the pier

A: NO lost property office at the pier, need to contact the operator the boat you went with if left on the boat.

Q: Can a Scooter be taken on the ferry

A: NO scooter can go on ferry plenty of parking at the pier.